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Be a Gateway Reader Selector!


What is a Gateway Reader Selector?

Gateway Reader Selectors help create next year's list of Gateway Readers Award books by reading as many of the 25 books on the Reader Selector list (above) as they can.  By the second Tuesday in January, Reader Selectors rate the books they have read.  Those ratings are submitted to Missouri's Gateway Committee where they are averaged with the ratings of other teen readers across the state.  The top rated 15 become official Gateway books!

What's in it for me?

The joy of reading so many amazing books!  All of the titles are in our catalog and available as an eBook or eAudio.  An added advantage is that you'll have read all the books on the Gateway list before the next school year.  So, yep; you get to be the coolest kid in school. There may be some food involved too ;). 

How do I sign up?

Come visit!  Either Mrs. Grieshaber or Mrs. O'Daniels can get you set up with the book list and a ratings sheet to keep track of what you've read and how you liked it.  No time to come in right away?  Click here to fill out an interest form.  We'll email you the list and send you reminders!

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